‚Free Wheel‘ – zum 50. Todestag von John F. Kennedy … am Mikrofon: Danny Antonelli

5. Dezember 2013 um 20:00 – 22:00

In 1963 when Kennedy was killed, I was in Antananarivo, Madagascar. I had just celebrated my birthday the day before and at about 10 o’clock on the evening of the 22nd I heard the news that Kennedy had been murdered. Assassinated. Killed. My mother came to me crying. I cried when she told me. The world stopped in its tracks for a moment. Then it started to turn again, but it had changed. Everything had changed. And here we are today, all of us, living in that changed world.

I’ve got Kennedy’s speech about secrecy for you and I’ve got Chris Hedges warning us, back in 2007, about the Christian Fascists, the Dominionists, who are working hard to take us all back to the Dark Ages.

Lots of short audio stories and music from the birthday boy.

50 years ago today, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. On today’s program New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison will tell you why he wanted to investigate the murder and why he thinks it was a conspiracy.

Of course, as usual, at the end of the first hour, another splendid episode of SUDS, the ultimate soap opera. (http://archive.org/details/SudsTheUltimateSoapOpera).

All the music this morning is Sarah Buxton. On most of the songs she is accompanied on acoustic guitar by Jedd Hughs.

In the second hour of FREE WHEEL, more from Jim Garrison and more music by Sarah Buxton.

Also, near the end, Kennedy talks about the dangers of secrecy, and Bill Hicks tells you why he loves to talk about the Kennedy assassination.

I shall in one way or another, talk to you later.



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